Feeling Stuck?

The speed of marketing is faster than ever, requiring more content for multiple platforms with an ever shorter lifespan.

1. Remember why you started creating video content in the first place. Take a few minutes to consider the value of video content. What about it intrigued you when you began?

2. Watch old content for inspiration. When you watch your old content, consider what elements worked well. Why was that piece of content interesting and successful? Ask yourself if you can replicate any elements to create something new. No need to reinvent the wheel when your old content does the trick, and you can pull ideas from your old content.

3. Break down blog posts or long-form content pieces into smaller short-form pieces of content. If you’re not sure what content to create next, try breaking down your bigger pieces of content into smaller pieces of content. Remember that video you created a few months ago? Can you turn that into a reel? What about taking snippets from a long-form podcast and turning them into reels?

4. See what your competitors are up to. Spend some time researching your competitors and the kind of media they are producing. Is there anything that they’re doing that you can do too?

5. Ask your audience what they want to see more of. Directly reach out to your target audience to ask them what they want to see more. Or, post a poll on social media with options of potential pieces of media for your followers to select.

6. Observe a creative experience. More specifically, watch a movie at the theater, see a play in your local city, or attend a live music show. Get inspired by someone else's expression of creativity.

7. Give yourself the space to be creative. It can be incredibly stressful attempting to be creative on top of everything else we need to accomplish. Give yourself the space to be creative by devoting an entire day to creating a piece of content. When you have the space and time without a looming deadline or obligation, you might be surprised by how much you can get done.

Still feeling blocked? That’s where we come in. At Max Lux Media, we tell your business story using high quality video and images.

If you’d like to work together to share the story of your business, go ahead and schedule a call with one of our team members. We’ll take it from there!


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