Video Marketing Statistics

Video Marketing Stats

When it comes to online marketing, video content will continue to reign supreme - especially when it comes to engagement, creativity, and revenue. Video is great for attracting new customers, nurturing relationships with current clients, and keeping prospective customers coming back. 

If you’ve been on the fence about whether to finally launch that YouTube channel or are confused about how to implement a brand storytelling strategy by using Reels or Stories on Instagram, we can help. 

Our goal is to help you stand out online without doing so much of the work on your own.

The top three platforms that customers report using to watch video content are YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. You most likely already have a presence on at least one of these social media channels. 

To give you a better idea of just how influential video marketing has become, we've compiled a list of the Top 15 Video Marketing stats that you need to know.

They are categorized by consumer preference and social media platforms.

Video ads were the #1 way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased from. (Animoto)

  1. Over 90% of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube. (Google)

  2. 99% of respondents enjoy watching video content from brands online.

  3. 62% of consumers say they prefer to watch video content on a smartphone or tablet.

Video Stats for YouTube

  1. YouTube is the #1 purchase-driver on social. (Animoto)

  2. 87% of people say when shopping or browsing on YouTube, they feel like they can make a decision to purchase or not purchase faster. (Google)

  3. 83% of consumers worldwide prefer YouTube to watch video content. (Hubspot)

  4. 65% of video viewers say YouTube is their favorite channel for watching user-generated content. (Limelight)

  5. Over 40% of global shoppers say they have purchased products they discovered on YouTube. (Google)  

Video Stats for Instagram

    10. 58% of people say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories (Instagram)

    11. 50% of people say they have visited a website to buy a product or services as a result of seeing in Stories (Instagram)

    12. 77% of marketers have posted a video on IGTV. (Animoto)

    13. 1 in 4 consumers made a purchase after seeing a story on Instagram. (Animoto)

Video Stats for Facebook

14. The optimal video length for engagement on Facebook is between 2 and 5 minutes. (Social Insider

15. Accounts with over 100,000 Facebook followers post 71% of all video content. (Social Insider)

As you can see, there’s a lot of information on video marketing and your specific strategy is dependent upon your specific business model, audience, and revenue goals. You don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

Go ahead and schedule a call with one of our team members to get started.


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