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What’s in a Storyboard?

What’s in a Storyboard?

Storyboarding is an important tool used to visually map out the story of your video. It’s a set of slides that lets you see the big picture and lays out direction for each scene.

We use Storyboarding to develop each shot and as a guide to keep them true to your creative vision. They can come in different forms, depending on the type of project. 

Each Storyboard frame contains:

  • A specific scene

  • Visuals

  • Explanatory copy 

Storyboards can be 2D or 3D and can communicate information such as:

  • Camera angles and framing

  • Action direction

  • Locations

  • Sound design notes

  • Graphics placement and color details

  • Lighting Information

Storyboarding not only helps guide the video production on shoot day, but also secures support from stakeholders in a way that reading a shot list just can’t. A storyboard also helps in getting everyone aligned with the final vision, simplifying communications and actually speeds up production by working out some of the bugs before the cameras start rolling.

Does your video project need a storyboard?

In general, the more creative or complex the vision for the project, the greater the need for storyboarding to keep things well defined. A storyboard is the best tool to visualize complicated projects as well as provide practical understanding to all your team members and stakeholders. It can help you avoid mistakes, modify and improve the project early, saving time and money.

Go ahead and schedule a call with one of our team members to get your storyboard started.